Each day, Hit Les features a new, football trivia question.
Enter your first answer in the space provided and press Enter on screen or on your keyboard.
If your answer is correct, the box will turn green and a further space will be provided to enter your next answer.
You are only allowed three wrong answers. For the first, you will receive a warning. Next, you will be shown a yellow card. Finally, you will be sent off.
The game continues until you have entered all correct answers, have been sent off, or you chose to finish the game by pressing the Finish game button.
Once finished, your score will be shown, along with all correct answers for that day.
Remember to share your score with your friends, followers, non-friends, colleagues, and family.
Hit Les is designed to feature deep trivia. Not the sort of trivia you see in a book gifted by Sharon in Finance for Secret Santa
Occasionally, Les Ferdinand will be a correct answer, for which you will receive bonus points.
Hit Les is still in it's technical infancy. Don't be too cute with non-English letter formats!